Some Tricky Javascript Fundamental you want to know.

Raj dev Ullash
1 min readMay 8, 2021

Javascript: JavaScript is a client-side and server-side scripting language inserted into HTML pages and is understood by web browsers.

Truthy & Falsy value: In Javascript, truth values are considered the truth value. False values are considered the false value.

Null & Undefined: Null & Undefined is primitives values.

Null: Null variable means that it has no value.

Undefined: Undefined variable or object meaning that it has no value is assigned before using it.

Double Equal(==): In Javascript, double equal(==) only checks the value, not datatypes.

Three Equal(===): In Javascript, three equal(===) checks the value & datatypes.

Scope: In Javascript, Scope is defined which variable we have to access. There are two types of scope Global Scope & Local Scope.

Global Scope: When we declared a variable outside of function it’s called global scope.

Local Scope: When we declared variable specific parts of your code is considered to be in a local scope. It’s called Local Scope.



Raj dev Ullash

Hello, I am Raj dev Ullash. I am a front-end developer. I primarily focus on writing clean, elegant, and efficient code.